
Cat Rental Company Opens Doors in Krasnoyarsk

From Echo Moskvy:

A “Rental Cat” service has appeared in Krasnoyarsk

Anyone wanting to take a furry pet home will be able to. The service is inexpensive – 300 roubles [£6, 7.50€], for which the time spent with the animal is not limited and depends on how tired of each other the person and the cat become. As Interfax write, a social organisation for helping homeless animals has organised the rental and refuge for the cats.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


What, so the “girls for hire” service has already been closed down?

mara95: (responding to above)

Girls are not as fluffy and cost more. And they’re more of a worry.

mara95: (adding to above)

Cats have one more plus. They know how to be quiet, and not beg for a fur coat. And they can hide under the bed. And the most important is that they can catch mice.




Can I rent a hamster?


Made me smile)))


Well, kids are already available to rent, they give them to foster families… with the right to return them to the orphanage.
What’s worse about cats?


This is a madhouse! How much would you need to torture a cat so that it could be caressed by just anyone!


This is just a madhouse! A cat is a living creature, not a “thing for hire”. Rubbish! The country has gone absolutely mad.


Hmm, well how do you insure animals against cat maniacs and catophiles? Who will answer for it if something happens?