
Old Woman Set Upon By Rabid Wolf Beats Her Attacker

From Stomaster’s LiveJournal:

56-year-old pensioner hacks down a wolf that attacked her

The incident occured in the Dagestani village of Noviy Biryuzyak. In recent times, the number of wolves in the area has sprung up, every day local residents spot that there are sheep and cows missing. But this wolf clearly wanted a human being. Aishat Maksudova was pottering about near the cow sheds.

Suddenly, the wolf attacked her from behind but, miraculously, the woman was able to wriggle away. The wolf grabbed her hand, but her other hand was free, so the woman showed her strength and started to choke the wolf with her second hand, although her grip was considerably weakened. Taking advantage of her weakened predator, the woman grabbed an axe, and gave the wolf several blows over the head. The doctors explained that the animal was rabid, and now the woman must undergo a course of intensive therapy.

Nice one grandma, well done! She was probably able to cope with the predator because he was sick, otherwise everything would have ended rather more miserably.

Comments from Stomaster’s LiveJournal:


He also only attacked because he was sick.

triveels: (responding to above)

Yeah, no sane wolf would attack such an old lady.

stomaster: (responding to above)

Do you think then that if he were healthy and hungry, he wouldn’t have attacked?

samogon: (responding to above)

If he’d been healthy, he would have found normal food.


Anyway, the wolf attacked a rather lively pensioner.

stomaster: (responding to above)

Haha, yeah, God bless his soul)))

hebsoma: (also responding to triveels)

If he’d attacked a different woman, there would be one pensioner less.


My grandfather had a younger brother, now deceased. He was born in a small village in the north of Bashkiria. He was born hard of hearing and until he was ten, he was completely deaf. But he was physically very strong. And he grew to 2.02m [6’8″]. When we went to see him in the village, I always used to look at two wolfskins that hung on the wall. I always used to ask my dad to tell me what type of fur it was. When my grandad’s brother was 15, he wandered into the forest. He was wandering for a bit more than two days. He came home with two dead wolves. They attacked him, and he was unarmed. One of them, he turned inside out, putting his fist in its throat as far as he could and pulling its insides out. The second one, he hammered a fist on its head.
I can still remember a tattered old photo, in which my grandad’s 23-year-old brother is lifting a UAZ 469 by the rear bumper and lifting the wheels off the ground.

stomaster: (responding to above)

Wow, nice story!)))


This grandma really wanted to live.


Oh no! Rabies is practically untreatable… ((


Yeah, the woman was lucky… but a healthy wolf wouldn’t have attacked!