
Pussy Riot Nominated For Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year

From Echo Moskvy:

Pussy Riot nominated for “Person of the Year” in the American publication Time Magazine

There are over thirty nominees in all, including: the presidents of the USA and Egypt, and the Prime Minister of Israel.

In other years, Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” has been Mark Zuckerburg, Ben Bernanke and Vladimir Putin.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


Let them award it to them and be ashamed.


It’s a good group of non-humans


Putin first, then “PR” – there’s something in this.

[Note: Putin was Time’s Person of the Year in 2007]


Pussy Riot nominated for “Person of the Year”

In my opinion, they need to be nominated for “Women of Two Years


Are Time not ashamed of putting the name of this “group” on their front page? Does politics outweigh morality here?
Why not put up a picture of doctors saving critical patients while risking their own health? Are there so few decent people left on the earth that there’s only politicians and Pussy? Or have Time done as they’ve been told? Who in the US is promoting Pussy? Who benefits from this?

dosenoffner: (responding to above)

“Or have Time done as they’ve been told?”

This isn’t Channel 1 or NTV. Whoever they want to award, they will – the Kremlin can’t get through to them.

[Note: this commenter is referring to the widely held belief that the Kremlin has editorial control of the mass media in Russia]

terpigorev: (also responding to garry__236)

“Who benefits from this?”

That’s the motto of Putinist-Communism. Primitive savages. They are ignorant of the fact that helping people is valuable in and of itself. That it promotes frankness and courage of the mind is twice as valuable.


Putin is going to go to jail personally to present them with their award.

adashin: (responding to above)

Putin is going to jail personally
There, fixed that for you.


Everyone knows that Americans are stupid.

makarmarkovich: (responding to above)

Just as we all know that they are sophisticated.

terpigorev: (also responding to anat963)

“Everyone knows that Americans are stupid.”
The “stupid Americans” have a saying about that: “If you’re clever, then why aren’t you rich?” It’s as though they thought it up for Russia.