
Survey Finds 37% of Russians Name Their Cars

From Rambler News:

More than a third of Russian car owners name their car

More than a third of Russian car owners (37%) don’t hide that their iron horse has its own name. The most popular nicknames are diminutive forms of the brand or model of the car, or the name “Swallow” (6%).

This was shown by a survey undertaken by, a research centre portal, in November, which had about 1,000 responses from those who owned their own vehicle.

Slightly fewer cars were given animal names, where the car is related to the wildlife by appearance, speed, or style – “Crocodile”, “Mustang”, “Hippopotamus”, “Workhorse”, or even “Tiger Cub”.

According to the survey, 3% of car owners give their car men’s or women’s names, and generally a link between these names and the brand of car can not be found.

“I call my Lada Samara Lucy”, “Anfisa”, “Manyunechka”, “My car is called Eva”, “Borka”, “Raging Mitya”, “Serega”, “Fedya”, the respondents share. Names of the fairer sex appear more often than men’s names for cars with human names (in total 8% vs. 4%).

Sometimes, cars receive nicknames of cinema heroes, cartoon characters, and literary characters (2%).

Comments from Rambler News:

Malysh Ivanov:

Names are often given to the owners, not the cars… try putting on your right indicator and turning left. You’ll hear lots of interesting things about yourself.


I have a Daewoo Matiz, I call it just “Daewooshka”, she’s my miniature brunette!

Иван Петров:

But what do you call your TOILET?

Снова Забанили: (responding to above)


Zver Lesnoyy:

They recently came out with a car that would cost 110,000 euros [£90,000] for replacement brakes… what shall we call it?

Одинокий Бозон Хиггса:

I wonder, do they give mopeds names? :)

асурин безумный спецназ:

Both of my cars have the name “bitch“… sometimes Beemer, Merc and Porsche…


99% of Russian car owners make love to their cars in the exhaust pipe.

Вася Соболев:

When it won’t start, it happens that I call it “bitch“. Sometimes it takes offence and is quiet for a long time. But often, it starts to growl straight away)

Сергеев Илья:

I call mine Crocodile – it burns up a disgusting amount of petrol, iron pig! […]

Malysh Ivanov:

My friend calls his car “girl” when he comes up to her from the boot, I’m starting to doubt his sexual orientation…

Do you have a car? Does it have a name?