
Young Boy’s Horror After Putin Speaks To Him

From Ya Plakal:

What did he say to the boy?

At a church service in Sochi. What did Putin say to the boy? Find out after the jump!

Photo from the press office of the President of the Russian Federation:

Photo from RIA Novosti. Putin attended a Christmas church service at a convent in Sochi.

Comments from Ya Plakal:


He said: “I’m not God”

BLACKMETAL: (responding to above)

More likely the opposite, “I am God!”

dkr81: (also responding to former commenter)

Shame, otherwise we could have crucified him.


Maybe he was just introducing himself?


Maybe he offered him something? Maybe to go to the sauna together, or just “Little boy, let’s go into the basement, I’ll give you sweets”. He doesn’t have anything good in mind with any of his desires.


Something like “You’re funny, I’ll eat you last”.
P.S. I think the boy has moved to the top of his Christmas list…


Santa isn’t real.


I’ll kiss your tummy later…

[Note: this is a reference to another incident in which Putin kissed a young boy’s stomach.]


Arise and walk!

[Note: from John 5:8, the commenter is comparing Putin to Jesus.]


“Luke, I am your father” ©


His face reminds me of yesterday’s film screening – “Home Alone”.


“So, who’s telling jokes about me at school then?”


He said that you’re not allowed to play in the snow!


He said that he’ll eat him tomorrow, because everyone know that Putin eats children.


Pu said that he’ll stay for another term…


There’s a joke about this!

Once upon a time, there lived a spoiled little boy called Izya. His parents decided to send him to the synagogue to put him on the right track, but a week later, the rabbi called and said “Get him the fuck out of here, he’s shitting on our reputation here, so his parents decided to send him to the mosque. A week later, they called to say get him the fuck out of here, he’s torn up the Koran to wipe his arse.

So in the end, they decided to send him to the Orthodox church. A week passed, and no-one called. Two, three, a month… the parents began to worry that they’d killed him straight away. They went to the church, and the priest came out and said to the parents “Your son is such a lovely boy!” The parents thought how is that possible?? They went up to their son and asked “Izya, what’s going on?”

Izya replied, “Mum, I saw that they’ve got a Jew that they crucified hanging up on a cross, and I knew straight away that they weren’t messing around!”


Give me your kidney!

What do you think? What did Putin say?