
Ban for Oscar Nominated Pussy Riot Film in Moscow

From Echo Moskvy:

Moscow Authorities have banned the Russian premier of a documentary about punk group Pussy Riot

[Note: we reported on the film in question here]

This was confirmed by the head of the Gogol-centre (where the showing should have taken place), Kirill Cerebrennikov. Cerebrennikov linked to a letter from the head of the Moscow department for culture, Sergei Kapkov, on Facebook. Kapkov demanded the cancellation of the premier in relation to the fact that the event was not part of an officially confirmed showing. Kapkov confirmed that “state institutions ought not be associated with individuals who have caused such controversy and who act to provoke society.”

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


Mr. Kapkov has guaranteed an Oscar for this film, and they’re not quite whores, whores are those who hide behind titles and vilify others. [Note: the implication here is that Kapkov himself is hiding behind his title and vilifying Pussy Riot]

ksp_1: (responding to above)

What, are you confirming that the Oscars are judged on political grounds, rather than the artistic merit of the film?

gregk: (responding to above)

Oscars for documentaries are judged on their truthful discussion of events… which was very clear in this film.


They were right to ban it. Films like this need to be sold in pharmacies on prescription to people with mental perversions.

i_chonkin: (responding to above)

[…] where did you see the film then?


Quite right! It’s illegal to advertise prostitution in this country!

dekabrist61: (responding to above)

And yet, advertising criminality, non-payment of taxes by high-level politicians is permitted?


I wonder what they’re scared of. Only governments that aren’t sure of themselves act like this.


Oh, how awful. How can I carry on?


They’re scared that the people will see the truth!


It’s all understandable! Our criminals are afraid that the people will know the truth about jails too. Now the girls have become completely open critics of Putin‘s regime!