
Belarusian TV Channel Accidentally Show Porn… for 20 Minutes

From Echo Moskvy:

Sabotage on Belarusian TV

On Saturday, live on the BelMuzTv channel, a pornographic video played, preceded by a clip by the rock group “Lyapis Trubetskoy“, who are on a “black list” of musicians maintained by the state, according to unofficial information. The scandalous broadcast lasted about 20 minutes before the TV channel stopped transmitting. Service checks are underway. Preliminary reports that bloggers are discussing are that a video engineer conducted the sabotage. He went into the machinery, turned on the pornographic video and hid. The man has not yet been arrested, but the police are looking for him. Belarus’s Investigative Committee have refused to comment.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


It’s time for the Belarusian people to join up to Europe’s common values.


“On Saturday, live on the BelMuzTv channel, a pornographic video played” … so what? The whole internet is full of porn clips, nothing surprising about that … everyone has the internet in Belarus


He hid in the US Embassy, where else?


The porn video was Old Fish-eyes hugging Mr. Moustache

kadastr: (responding to above)

Fish-eyes bends Mr. Moustache over on the Kremlin carpet… (at least in terms of credit record)


Sabotage would be if BelTv showed “The Godfather”. That would be sabotage, this is just a prank.

[Note: the Godfather is a derogatory nickname for Alexander Lukashenko]


The Godfather’s watching himself on TV and then “A Snickers in his left hand, a Mars in his right!” and the Trubetskoy video about dictators starts playing. The autocrat must have been pretty surpised, I’d imagine.


Nothing will happen to him – he didn’t dance in a church, praying to Mary that Mr. Moustache would suffocate, so he’ll get off lightly.

[Note: this commenter is referring to the Pussy Riot incident, in which a punk band played in a church in Russia and were arrested and tried for the crime.]


In reality, what normally passes for TV is porno … just mental porn, and if it accidentally ends up being physical, well, that’ll just help the birthrate.


The problem is that the Godfather likes films about gays, but that wasn’t what was shown.