
Dmitry Medvedev Promises to Keep Healthcare Free in Russia

From Echo Moskvy:

Medical care in Russia will remain free

The government will continue to allocate money for healthcare independent of the economic situation, said prime minister Medvedev. He also promised that the government will impose stricter controls on insurance companies who will also receive tax-payers’ money.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


At the Central Clinical Hospital?

lob1: (responding to above)

Medical care? Yeah, perhaps, medical “care” will stay free, but just advice by phone, like, how many Corvalol to take… ha, might as well forget about free treatment.


Cost-free and effect-free.


“Medical care in Russia will remain free” That means that the people won’t see any health


We’ve bunged $15bn to Ukraine, now we’ve gotta help out Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan is joining the queue… what healthcare Dmitry Anatolevich [Medvedev]?!


Cost free medicine, and practically useless… the people have been treating themselves with herbs for a long time, and they’re going to healers and fortune-tellers.


“The government will continue to allocate money for healthcare independent of the economic situation”
I thought I hadn’t woken up yet!!!


Get rid of this clown. His medicine is free…


They leave money for medicine until the end. Police are the priority. You can’t even touch them.


Does anyone still believe this? Free hospital beds, but they’ll have to buy pillowcases, food, and medicine themselves. That is, hospitals have started to look like poor houses.