
EasyJet to Start Flights between London and Moscow


British budget airline EasyJet to start flights to Russia

To replace the flights halted by BMI, the British budget airline EasyJet has received authorisation from the UK’s aviation authority for Moscow to London flights, and will receive official Russian approval this week, and tickets will go on sale from the 18th of March for 5,000-18,000 [£110-400 125-450€] roubles from Domodedovo to London.

This deal follows the conclusion of a discussions between the Russian carrier “Transaero” and the British carrier EasyJet, details of which have not been released.

Two flights from Transaero will leave Vnukovo for London, while two will leave Domodedovo, also to London, which will connect with the local flights from Transaero out of that aeroport.

The Russian carrier’s marketing partner will still be Virgin Atlantic, from whose site you will be able to buy Transaero flights to London, as well as through their entire distribution network.

The first daily day time flight by EasyJet is scheduled for the 18th of March. The second, on the 15th of April will depart later in the evening. The cost of flights in both directions, depending on departure date and discounts will cost from 160 to 600 US dollars or 5,000-18,000 roubles.

Transaero’s prices are higher, from 16,000 roubles [£350, 400€] at both ends, according to Vedomosti, who refer to the airline’s website. It is expected that there will be new commercial offerings from the airline partners in the next 45 days. It has been reported that in the summer, it will be possible to fly to Manchester on Mondays and Thursdays at 21.15 and on Wednesdays and Sundays at 15.15 for 4,200 roubles.

Comments from


Fucking awesome! If this is true, I’m already planning to travel there for a couple of weeks in the summer)

P.S. *insert joke about more affordable emigration*


Well, wow, the prices are obviously good. But it costs 6,000 [£130, 150€] to fly from Omsk to Moscow on average :( How can this be the case???

ugon_tramvaev: (responding to above)

Even if you take into consideration that both to Omsk and to London it’s about 2,500 km?

Хитрый Вован: (also responding to previous commenter)

For example, Moscow to Penza (600km) costs 5,000 [£110, 125€], in an old heap of a plane that could fall apart in mid-air. How’s that sound?

Джереми Яблонски:

They’re going to be squeezed right of the market in Russia!

Somik: (responding to above)

Our counterpart is twice as expensive and a hundred times more dangerous.


It’s more expensive to fly to Vladivostok in our old beaters than it is to fly to Brazil with a European carrier :)


Will there be standing room?

Dimbasz: (responding to above)

Why, well it’s just that there’s no frills on the budget airlines, like champagne on board and OVER 9000 satellite TV channels. And there’s no business or first class, so more people fit in the plane. The baggage restrictions are tougher but even during the longest journeys, I’ve managed with 15kg. Considering London’s not far away, there probably won’t be any food either.

surdina: (responding to above)

But will there be a toilet?

Dimbasz: (responding to above)

There’s a toilet, where could we go without it))