
Lukashenko Lays Claim to Kaliningrad Oblast


Lukashenko: We are ready to take the Kaliningrad Oblast from Russia: The Belarussian leader wants to create a “flourishing region” there

On Friday, October 11, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, met with the Russian press secretary in Minsk. At the press conference, he spoke concerning the Kaliningrad oblast, announcing that his government would gladly claim Kaliningrad. Alexander Grigorevich [Lukashenko] wants to turn the oblast into a “flourishing region.”

“I often say, ‘Give us the Kaliningrad region.’ I won’t pretend that tomorrow Kaliningrad will be ours, but theoretically, we would gladly take it if offered,” announced the Belarussian president.

In addition, Lukashenko said, that not long ago he was flying in a helicopter with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, over Kaliningrad. It was precisely then that he noticed that the oblast’s landscape was untouched, reports Interfax.

Comments from Гость №8308:

Maybe we could annex Belarus to the Kaliningrad oblast, and let him cultivate the hectares there!

Гость №4089:

They already gave the Crimea away. Are we going to make the same mistake?

Гость №5777: (responding to above)

And not just the Crimea – they gave everything to the oligarchs!


But why did they throw away the Crimea and give away Kaliningrad! The missiles will be closer to Moscow!

простой русский:

Comrade Lukashenko, we simple honest RUSSIAN people invite you to take all of RUSSIA, be our president and unite RUSSIA and BELARUSSIA.

Реалист: (responding to above)

We’ll even agree to ride on tractors instead of in imported cars.

Гость №7980:

Only good can come of this. Russia will have fewer headaches.

Гость №4294:

I believe him.

Гость №4089: (responding to above)

Me too. But today it’s Lukashenko the father-figure, but tomorrow some kind of Yanukovych [Note: Ukrainian president]. He will wave to NATO from Kaliningrad itself.

Гость №7348:

As a resident of the Kaliningrad Oblast, I like this idea. Moscow can’t afford to renew the oblast, at least not to its level in Soviet times.