
Pussy Riot and Arctic Sunrise Crew to be Granted Amnesty

From Echo Moskvy:

20,000 people to be given amnesty, including many of those implicated in the Bolotnaya case and the crew of the Arctic Sunrise

“20,000 people are to be given amnesty, including many of those implicated in the Bolotnaya case and the crew of the Arctic Sunrise”, following a draft proposal the president has introduced to the State Duma, the head of the presidential committee on human rights Mikhail Fedotov says. He added that the former Yukos director Mikhail Khordokovsky will not receive amnesty.

[Note: the remaining two incarcerated members of Pussy Riot will also be amnestied, according to media reports and the prisoners’ families.]

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


Well according to the draft of the previous one, about 100,000 people should have been released, and about half were. If you take the same proportion, it doesn’t look too good.


Pussy Riot are being freed too


In Russia, 800,000 are in prisons and prison camps, and how many hundreds of thousands have been convicted without being sent to prison is unknown. And out of this mass, they’re amnestying just 20,000.
Would you like to know the percentage?


All this is just the torture of hope for unhappy people, particularly for those who have been wrongfully convicted and condemned, hardly any of whom will be released.

Emptyavatar3 zmeeed:

Are they giving amnesty to the innocent?

alefi: (responding to above)

Can’t they give amnesty to the guilty?


What about Pussy Riot, Farber…?

sikorski: (responding to above)

They’re letting those idiots out, Farber too, I think. Quite right. But Khordokovsky can hardly count on amnesty, and looking back at the 90s, he and his associates looted the country, so I’m not sorry for him. I’m sorry that there aren’t more of these Friedmanns, Abramoviches and Vekselbergs in jail. It’s a shame that few of today’s thieves are in jail, those who are pillaging my country.

arejay: (responding to above)

When did we start sending idiots to jail?

sikorski: (responding to above)

When they aim for it themselves. Samutsevich is walking free.

arejay: (responding to above)

I don’t remember a single article of the Russian criminal codex that punishes idiots. The opposite, in fact, there’s article 21, which frees idiots from criminal responsibility. So the state has said that [Pussy Riot] are officially not idiots. And you’re just lying.


800,000 are in jail. They’re releasing 20,000. That’s 2.5%. Is that a lot or a few? For the number in jail, it’s few. They could release 10%, that’s 80,000. For the number of citizens, 146 million, it’s just a drop in the sea. So all this amnesty is just a simulacrum.