
Russia Considering Plans to Ban Gays from Donating Blood


The State Duma plans to ban gays from giving blood

The State Duma are planning to reexamine the question of banning blood donations for homosexuals. This initiative was announced by the chairman of the State Duma committee for science and technology, Mikhail Degtyaryov.

“We’re going to suggest amendments to the law on blood donations, instructions to the Ministry of Health, and put gays back on the list of those contraindicated for giving blood”, he told journalists.

He underlined that he is not talking about discrimination, but caring for those who need blood. Homosexuals make up 65% of people who are infected with HIV.

Degtyaryov also spoke about the development of an initiative allowing “anonymous voluntary counselling with a psychologist, psychotherapist, or sexologist paid for by the state – many [gays] want to return to a normal life, to become heterosexual, like 95-99% of our citizens,” reports Interfax.

Comments from


Fucking idiots! And how are you going to prove who’s gay and who isn’t? So then they’ll have to introduce an offence: lying about being gay when giving blood: fine of 5,000 roubles [£100, 115€]!

buterbrod: (responding to above)

Yup, and if your blood is infected, then you’re gay at any rate

Балу: (responding to above)

Laugh all you want. This law exists in lots of countries, so what))) it’s just our rodents are unhappy about it for some reason)))


In your passport, where once upon a time your “nationality” took pride of place, there’ll be “(Oh, well, I mean, which most accurately describe the group you belong to, person of traditional/non-traditional orientation) – please underline.


Shame on you Degtyaryov!

ZonZog: (responding to above)

“Homosexuals make up 65% of people who are infected with HIV.” Shame on the homosexuals )

Одиссей”: (also responding to previous commenter)

What else do you expect from the State Dumba?

coyoteOdin: (responding to above)

Well said


The document “United Nations Programme for HIV/AIDS” says 42% of new HIV infections were attributed to heterosexual relations, while only 0.4% of new HIV cases were from contact between men (Statistics are for Europe, and include Russia)


What, this is just nonsense

Семен Нехорошкин:

I suggest that MPs are banned from procreating, so that no more idiots are bred.

Одиссей”: (responding to above)

They’re already breeding. An uncontrollable process has begun.


Ah, so: if I don’t do it with a man, and I don’t take it up the a***, then I don’t need to worry about HIV? Ah, yes chairman! Ah, yes Degtyaryov!