
US Spy Ryan Fogle Arrested (and Released) in Russia


CIA agent arrested in Moscow

Employees of the Federal Security Service [the FSB, formerly the KGB] have arrested a CIA employee, Ryan Christopher Fogle, working under the cover of third secretary of the political department of the US embassy in Russian, RIA Novosti reports.

Fogle was arrested in the night of the 13th to the 14th May by counterintelligence agents of the FSB while he was trying to get a Russian secret service agent to defect. The American was discovered carrying technical equipment, instructions for the defecting Russian, things to change his appearance and a significant amount of money. After the requisite procedures were carried out, Fogle was handed over to representatives of the US embassy in the FSB waiting room. His fate from now on has not been reported, nor has the reaction of the US embassy in Moscow.

The FSB have noticed, according to Interfax, repeated attempts by American intelligence in recent times to recruit employees of the Russian military and secret service, but all attempts have been identified by Russian counterintelligence and were dealt with by the FSB.

The political department of the US embassy, where [Fogle], deals with informing Washington about the foreign and military policy of Russia, and also informs Moscow of the US’s position on foreign policy and security. In addition, according to the American embassy, the department produces analyses of important events in Russia’s internal politics, such as elections, the activities of political parties, human rights issues, and freedom of speech, in the light of how these affect Russo-American relations. The head of the department is Michael Klecheski.

[Note: the source article incorrectly uses Fogle’s middle name above. This is likely due to a misunderstanding of English naming conventions.]

Comments from

Whazzzup? Iseeyou:

I don’t understand, why did they let him go?

Wanabe Inflatable: (responding to above)

They let him go?

Whazzzup? Iseeyou: (responding to above)

The arrested man was taken to the waiting room of the FSB and after the requisite procedures were carried out, he was handed over to official representatives of the US embassy. RIA Novosti

Wanabe Inflatable: (responding to above)

Fuck knows. Diplomatic status?

ФДУЧ ФДУЧ: (responding to above)

Mutual respect between our intelligence agencies and their spies.

Округ Инфо: (responding to above)

Well, Anna Chapman didn’t go to jail, she was respectfully released back to the motherland to go on TV in Russia.

Drifter Fast:

He’s not guilty of anything!

jefro 21:

Diplomatic immunity, they had to let him go.

Антон Лутков:

They’ll be drinking champagne …

Артемий Мищенко:

Hmm, not surprising. Lots of ours are working over there, just like theirs here. No strong country would be against knowing what happens in other countries.

Semper Fi: (responding to above)

The difference is just in the price of defectors in one country and the other. In Russia you can buy anyone, quite cheaply too …

Максим Зимин:

The political department of the US embassy have been looking after the Russian opposition arseholes. This is all logical.

Ivan: (responding to above)

For quite some time now, it’s been normal for the political department of the US embassy to manage Russia via their puppets, they don’t need the opposition.

Ilya Platonov:

I wonder how many FSB workers have really defected.

Don’t look there! The CIA agents are in the Kremlin!!!

Fox Mulder:

Mission not accomplished

Российский Сыр:

Great news!

Слава Кпсс:

“Fogle was handed over to representatives of the US embassy in the FSB waiting room. His fate from now on has not been reported” And what about the fate of our secret service worker?

Тагир Исмаилов:

I want war with the USA!

Юрий Волков:

They gave him back to the US embassy? So why did they catch him then?

Vasily Dubinin:

“All attempts have been identified by Russian counterintelligence and were dealt with by the FSB.” Every last one? :-)

Людмила Арсентьева:

Well there we go. Now we need to wait for the response from the Yanks.

Оля Васильева:

Great. One fewer spy and one fewer guy trying to get our guys to defect.

What do you think? What should happen to Fogle now?