
Vladimir Putin Names 5 “Heroes of Labour”

From Ech Moskvy:

The Russian president awards the title of “Hero of Labour” for the first time today

Three workers received the award, as did the famous director of the Mariinskiy theatre Valeriy Gergiev and the neurosurgeon Aleksandr Konovalov.

Experts are divided in their opinions on what the return of this title to Russia could bring.

Some suggest that such a step taken by the government will not improve the prestige of labour, while others and in particular the Russian Academy of Sciences Economics institute employee Aleksandr Tsipko are confident that it can neutralise the negative consequences of the reform in the 90s.

In turn, the Russian Communist Party noted that the title of Hero of Labour should be given to state-sector employees.

Comments from Echo Mosky here, here, and here:


I completely support the return of this title. It serves to motivate people to work harder and will lift the country off its knees.

limor: (responding to above)

Are you serious?…


Are the people who were chosen to take part in this propaganda circus not ashamed?


They haven’t been ashamed for a long time, that’s why they were chosen for this. And the queue of people dreaming of this is miles long.


I wonder who will be first to nominate our “slave on a galley” for this award?

[Note: a reference to Putin who said that he was a slave on a galley in terms of how hard he works for Russia]


In my opinion this is sacrilige to the star, a symbol of autocracy. It offends the feelings of those who believe in communism.


Great news, I can only support the return of this Soviet idea.


When will this nonsense end?


Very good decision. Those who deserve it should get respect from the government.


In France, they had the Order of the Garter, in Russia, we’ll have the Order of the Gertrude.


Heroes of Putin‘s regime. They should be proud.


This isn’t even the USSR, just a depressing parody of it.