
Young Nazis Create a ‘Whites Only’ Carriage on a Tram


The white carriage: Nazis in Saratov “cleansed” a tram of migrant workers

Nazis from the city of Saratov created a “white carriage” on a tram. The goal was to ensure that people from the Caucasus and Central Asian regions did not board. On tram number 3 the nationalists stood at the door, letting only passengers of Slavic origin onto the tram.

According to the “Chetvyortaya Vlast” news agency, conflict was avoided, as when migrant workers saw the “activists” they did not try to get on the tram. While on the tram, one of the participants told passengers about the fight between “Russian Self-Improvement” activists and natives of the Caucasus. The young man called on citizens to attend rallies focusing on critical national issues. They got off the tram at around 5pm then they went home. No arrests followed.

How this “cleansing” was carried out has not been reported, but there is a good chance that they were in violation of Articles 213 (“hooliganism”) and 116 (“battery”) of the Criminal Code. Lawyer Roman Ostrovsky pointed out that “In any case, preventing people from getting on the tram is a direct violation of Article 330 of the Russian Criminal Code.” He added that “For taking over the tram, they could be punished with up to five years in prison, if the offence was carried out by a group of individuals and there was a threat of violence (and I think they could not have done this without threats of some sort.)”

Comments from

Юный слесарь:

Have all the workers disappeared from Saratov?

Антигрибы: (responding to above)

They’re probably stocking up on guns and knives to take revenge.

Юный слесарь: (responding to above)

While the authorities scratch their asses counting the income from migrant workers, ordinary citizens have to witness these provocations.

ДЯДЯ ШНЮК: (responding to above)

White carriages in a “Yellow City?” Haha :0)))


When the government does nothing and pretends to address the problems of migrants, young and intolerant people will solve the problem in their own way. Purges are not far off.


But when some brown guys from the Caucasus are doing time, and he gets stabbed in the liver, what then?
These guys have started on a slippery slope.

(stalker): (responding to above)

Then in keeping with tradition, they’ll help the Caucasians get away with it, the Asians need to be resettled.

Семён-9380: (responding to above)

I absolutely do not approve of what [the Nazis] have done, but it looks as though we’ve got tough times ahead of us because people are afraid of knives to the liver…


Russia for the Russians, Armenia for the Armenians and so on. You’ve got to agree, it’s hard to argue with that.

coyoteOdin: (responding to above)

It’s easy to argue as it’s a made-up argument.
Argument number 1: “Pure” ethnic groups do not exist. Therefore the slogan “Russia for Russians” will be followed by “who decides who are considered to be full-blooded Russians or not?” for the leadership of a similar country, it all ended with a bullet in the head in a bunker under the Reichskanzler Office. Gentlemen, has fascist history taught us nothing?
Argument number 2: All people are members of the same species – Homo-sapiens.
Argument number 3: The demise of nationalities [as a concept] is inevitable.

Lialia new: (responding to above)

The difficulty is how to separate the Russians from the non-Russians. It was all mixed up a long time ago. What if someone were half-Russian and half-Armenian, are they supposed to live on the border?)




Looks like the brotherhoods of the 90s.

И никак иначе:

“In any case, preventing people from getting on the tram is a direct violation of Article 330 of the Russian Criminal Code”
Well in the article it clearly states that the migrant workers did not even try to get on the tram))


Must be hot with all those scarves on.