
Russia Prepares for Sochi – Free Metro Tickets for Squatting!

From YouTube:

Comments from YouTube:

Vy Oxrenely:

The Olympics is a feast in the time of plagues, that’s your shitty Olympics. Let’s just wait for the terrorist attack, eh?

dfnha heah gpeauhg earhgiuehag iuhea ighaeig:

Doing squats without a warm-up? Is there at least a doctor supervising?

Сергей Никитин:

Very positive! :)

Сергей Трубицын:

Freebie, sir? :)


Exceptional idea


Good and positive, let’s have more clips like this!

Георгий Кискин:

Great idea, but 30 isn’t very many, should be 50 or 70 )

Артём Железнов:

Wow, I want one of these at McDonald’s :)


Rosha for Roshens!


I wonder what there is to be happy about? How they’re spending money on do-nothing athletes? Food’s falling from the sky, after all

Jesus The Second:

They should put an online webcam on the machine, it’d be more interesting and candid


If it were beer instead of tickets, I’d squat at least 100 times.

Malekyla Semechki:

I can’t even believe that this is Russia…

Ruslan Kudrekov:

If only you could wipe out your mortgage by squatting…


Beautifully dreamed up )))

Ди Бумов:

100 tickets for anyone that can beat Klitchko!

Ваня Кужим:

For shit was the fat bloke squatting! Ban him!

Dmitri Terehov:

Kids today think that the Americans were the first in space and landed on the moon straight away, and that America won the second world war, and the Brits beat Napoleon… finally, we’ve learned to celebrate the good things we do with PR. Yeah, we were the first in space, we just forgot to put a camera in the rocket.