
Russian Schoolgirl Kicks Her English Teacher In the Balls

On YouTube:

УЧИТЕЛЮ ПО ЯЙЦАМ (Russian girl kicked teacher’s balls)

A scene worthy of “School” [a popular Russian TV series].

The schoolgirl rocks!

Comments on YouTube:


The girl is not stupid, the teacher didn’t explain it to her properly.

dAs sdasdaasd:

Blin, one [in the balls] for the teacher? She’s only a girl, but even so, she’s smashed the teacher’s balls!


Fake! Advertising for a TV channel.


The teacher has no right to do that. He should not even touch her with his finger.


For it to be fair, the teacher needed to have his balls torn. If I were one of the girl’s parents, I would have killed this bearded schmuck.


Nice one, girl! She didn’t give in to the moron-teacher’s insults! And for anyone who talks about ‘the old days’, I note that there were no mobile devices with video recording and so an angry teacher could remain unpunished.


Quite right, you should answer rudeness with nothing but rudeness no matter how old someone is.


Smart people normally don’t get shouted at. He has no right to touch her with his finger? I suppose not. But all of these child protection rights only go one way, as children can do anything they want, and the most the teacher can do is call up the parents, because now you can’t be left alone with a child, you can’t leave [flunk them] in the second year, you can’t kick kids out … there’s a lot that you’re not allowed to do. The result is that children can muck about, and then they ask the teacher, ‘they say you were a dick to the stupid children’.

IvanBuzzer: (responding to above)

‘Smart people normally don’t get shouted at’ – nonsense, this sort of teacher shouts at everyone, we’ve all seen it) And it’s not just children that you’re not allowed to touch, it’s anybody, whoever they may be. If only she were 30. I also teach, although I teach at a music school, and so I know shouting NEVER achieves anything from the youngsters, the child just shuts up and doesn’t make a sound, as we’ve just seen here ourselves. This is not ‘stupidity’, it’s just a mental state.

andreyyermilov: (also responding to Artiic1c)

And how about you suck my balls, Mr. Garrison‘ – that’s the only way to respond to this kind of fucking about.
If we forget that it’s a fake … think about it, if you were using this tone, would you be wanting to have a constructive conversation?
Guys, get off YouTube, go outside, get some air into your brain.
I can not imagine a situation where behaviour similar to the teacher’s is justified: he conveys no useful information, he simply asserts his authority in a petty way.

What do you think? Did the teacher get what he deserved? Or have children’s rights gone too far?