Stormtroopers Set Fire to Drug Dealer’s Shop


Odessa police are hunting for Imperial Stormtroopers who set fire to a herbal highs shop (photos)

The Galactic Empire has struck another blow against dealers of illegal herbal highs. This afternoon, warriors from the special forces of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps threw smoke bombs onto the premises of the “Krug” shop, where drugs are sold[…]. As a result, the outlet located at 62 Pushkinskaya street caught fire. In addition, the Stormtroopers painted the building’s walls with silk-screen portraits of the Dark Lord Darth Vader. The police have opened an investigation into the event. The circumstances surrounding the fire are being established, the participants are being hunted, although the clones, it would appear, long ago loaded up into surface shuttles and are now in orbit, if not further away.

We note that law enforcement have repeatedly visited the “Krug” shop, and have even seized illegal goods, but the shop has reopened each time. Photos from “Dumskaya” readers.

Comments from

Дмитрий Голубов:

The police in Odessa need to ask their colleagues in the Mars or the Tatooine police, they’ll definitely be able to help.

podvodnik: (responding to above)

Oh you’re such a joker, well done.

Жора Капусин:

But who was leading this group, Chewbacca, master Yoda or Vader himself?


But where will our bureaucrats buy their drugs now?


Indirectly, this shop is ruining at least one human life a day.

PlsmQ: (responding to above)

Vodka ruins hundreds of lives every day, directly!


The police are looking for them? But don’t the police want places where people sell drugs to be found and closed down? What the fuck?

Александр Сергеевич Пу: (responding to above)

They probably don’t have enough motivation to close down these shops.

kostalevskiy: (responding to above)

They have a very good “motivation” for not closing these places down. Monthly. “Green”.


If the police don’t deal with it then it was just citizens fulfilling their civic duty!!! The acted in the extreme way the circumstances demanded.


Well done!


This is hardcore! Respect!

Алексей Шевченко:

Respect guys :)

Лилия Сличенко:

Wow!!! I live right next to this shop!! I’m already bored of arguing with drug addicts! God bless the people who burned it down!!


It’d be good if they didn’t find these guys


I can understand what they did ) this shop had a roof [Note: they had paid bribes and were under police protection]

Торарин: (responding to above)

Now the cops are really going to have to earn their money.

Alexey Kurabatov:

Well done. Darth Vader for the new mayor!!


Obviously, they did right… BUT what if the fire had gone higher!!! ? If I lived on the first floor of this building… I’d shoot the fuck out of them!

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