Tornado in Olympic Town Takes Netizens by Surprise

From YouTube:

Tornado in Dagomys, 25/09/13

Comments from YouTube:


Tornado. Needs to fuck right off.


Thanks for the quality, and for the film itself!

Dmitry Politov:

What’s this dashcam? Good quality video


Shut your window?)

Богдан Бочкарев:

I can only see bad weather! Can’t see any kind of spinning tornados in this video.


Fuck, looks great there

Alex Lex:

This is called a gusty wind, not a tornado.


It’s a rehearsal for the end of the world))

Штирлиц Григорий:

This is some kind of apocalypse

Андрей Елагин:

The driver’s a fucking idiot. There’s a kid in the car, and he’s swearing like a trooper.


Looks like a trailer for a catastrophe film)

Стас Анатолий:

I hope everyone already knows that the centre of a tornado as quiet as fuck

Lumen Grad:

Fucking blockbuster!

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